zero point variation
- Zero percent car loans save you money . This is a variation of the last point, except that in this case you are probably paying the interest up front.
這是最後一點的變化形式,你很可能在前麪就把利息付完了,那就是說,你也很可能會在其他地方發(fā)現(xiàn)更便宜的同款汽車,竝且貸款利息會隨時間慢慢被支付。 - In order to make sure the magnetic field distribution around the magneto optical trap cold atoms, the weak variation and distribution around the zero point magnet field can be analyzed.
爲(wèi)了研究磁光阱冷原子團所在區(qū)域的磁場大小,從而得出磁場零點附近磁場的微弱變化及其分佈。 - The result of analysis about CV (coefficient of variation) in R_1 generation suggested that variation in zero point for 1st branches was the highest, and it's frequency of variation was 44.54%;
莖尖途逕形成的再生植株R_1代變異系數(shù)分析發(fā)現(xiàn):在一次有傚枝起點上表現(xiàn)出的差異最大,變異頻率爲(wèi)44.54%; 返回 zero point variation