相關(guān)單詞同義詞aporia, 近義詞 shame 羞愧, mortification 恥辱, humiliation 恥辱, rub 擦, predicament 困境, dilemma 困境, superfluity 多余, plight 困境, uneasiness 擔(dān)憂, difficulty 困難, bind 捆綁, quandary 困惑, abashment 害臊, chagrin 懊惱, uncomfortableness 不舒適, discomposure 失態(tài), self-consciousness 自我意識, hindrance 起妨礙作用的事物或人..., discomfort 不便之處, obstacle 障礙, impediment 障礙, snag (隱伏的)障礙..., encumbrance 妨礙物, stain 污點, blemish 瑕疵, smudge 污點, scrape 刮掉, overabundance 過于豐富, superabundance 過多, excess 超過, surplusage 剩余, repletion 充滿, glut 供過于求, discomfiture 狼狽, awkwardness 笨拙, blushing adj.臉紅的, 動詞bl...egg on one's face, 窘迫, face 表面, on 在 ... 之上, egg 蛋one's, 任何人的, overplus 剩余, plethora 過量, dishonour 不名譽, disgrace 恥辱反義詞disembarrassment, 使免于困窘臨近詞embassy, embarrass, embarrassment of riches, embarrassment of friends, embarrassment of existence, Embarrassment of Spallation, embarrassment in ole-age life, Embarrassment caused me to hesitate.相似詞embark on/upon sth, embarrass, embarrassed, embarrassing, embassy, embattled, embed, embedded, 返回 embarrassment