1. N-COUNT A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think about and that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen. 幻想
...fantasies of romance and true love. …對浪漫和真愛的幻想。
2. N-VAR You can refer to a story or situation that someone creates from their imagination and that is not based on reality as fantasy. 虛幻的故事; 幻想的情境
The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story. 這部電影比較像是諷刺的幻想故事,而不是恐怖片。
3. N-UNCOUNT Fantasy is the activity of imagining things. 幻想
...a world of imagination, passion, fantasy, reflection. …一個想像、激情、幻想和反思的世界。
4. ADJ Fantasy football, baseball, or another sport is a game in which players choose an imaginary team and score points based on the actual performances of the members of their team in real games. 夢幻的 (運動類電子游戲)[ADJ n]
Haskins said he has been playing fantasy baseball for the past five years. 哈斯金斯說他在過去的5年里一直在打夢幻棒球游戲。
返回 fantasy
fantasy /?f?nt?s?/ (fantasies)
- a pleasant situation that you enjoy thinking about but is unlikely to happen , or the activity of imagining things like this
- Halfway through the film reality evaporates and we enter a world of pure fantasy.
- As a child , she frequently withdrew into her own fantasy world .
- His latest film has been condemned as the priapic fantasies of an old man.
- In the psychotherapy group , patients were free to play out their fantasies.
- The result is a decidedly mixed bag of campy humor , wild-eyed fantasy and high-tech special effects . 返回 fantasy
Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car . 史蒂夫最愛幻想擁有一座大房子和一輛奢華轎車。
sexual fantasies 性幻想
She retreated into a fantasy world , where she could be anything she wanted . 她遁入了幻想世界,在那里她想要成為什么都可以。
a story or type of literature that describes situations that are very different from real life , usually involving magic
His preferred reading was horror stories and fantasy. 他更喜歡看恐怖故事和奇幻文學。