相關(guān)單詞近義詞 coax 哄, entrap 誘捕, cajole (以甜言蜜語)哄騙..., wheedle (以甜言蜜語)誘惑..., pervert 誤用, persuade 說服, entice 誘使, charm 魅力, trick 詭計, deceive 欺騙, con 騙局, influence 影響, convince 使確信, beguile 誘騙, allure 誘惑, seduce 引誘, lure 誘惑, palaver 空談, sweet-talk 奉承, blarney 奉承話臨近詞invent, inveigh, inveiglement, inveigle sb.out of sth., inveigle sb. out of sth. 返回 inveigling