1. ADJ Something that is snotty produces or is covered in snot. 流著鼻涕的; 滿是鼻涕的[非正式,粗話] [ADJ n]
He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough. 他又流鼻涕、又流眼淚,還有點咳嗽。
2. ADJ If you describe someone as snotty, you disapprove of them because they have a very proud and superior attitude to other people. 傲慢自大的; 自以為高人一等的[非正式]
...snotty college kids. ...目中無人的大學生。
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snotty /?sn?t?/
snotty adjective (FROM NOSE)
informalcovered with mucus from the nose
You could have told me I had a snotty nose ! 你早該告訴我我在流鼻涕!
I don't want to use your snotty handkerchief ! 我不想用你這塊沾滿鼻涕的手帕!
snotty adjective (PERSON)
informal disapprovingrude and behaving badly , especially by treating other people in a way that shows that you believe yourself to be better than them
I hate having to deal with snotty customers . 我討厭應付蠻橫無理的顧客。
a snotty teenager 舉止無禮的少年
She was so snotty to me! 她對我太放肆了! 返回 snotty