相關(guān)單詞近義詞 profuse 很多的, lavish 大方的, abundant 豐富的, rank 等級(jí), rich 富有的, bountiful 充足的, luxuriant 繁茂的, plentiful 豐富的, prodigal 揮霍的, ample 豐富的, bounteous 慷慨的, unstinted 不受限制的, exuberant 興高採(cǎi)烈的, enough 足夠的, prolific 多産的, inexhaustible 用不完的, fat 肥胖的, copious 豐富的, plenteous 許多的, sufficient 足夠的, full 滿的, overspilling 動(dòng)詞overspill的..., filled 充滿的, replete 充滿的, abrim 滿滿地, overflowing 溢出物, thick 厚的, teeming 充滿的, swarming 成群移動(dòng)的, rife 非常多的, thronged 動(dòng)詞throng的過(guò)去式..., flush 沖洗, bristling 竪立的, bursting 充滿的, crawling 爬行, crowding 擁擠, crowded 擁擠的, packed 塞滿的, jammed 被卡住的, thronging 動(dòng)詞throng的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)..., more than enough 綽綽有餘, more 更多的, than 比, thick with 充滿著, alive with 充滿著(擁擠著..., with 用, galore 豐富的, alive 活著的臨近詞abound, Abounding in desirable elements., abounding with or resembling weeds., Abound grief tenant recollect disclose, abounding in usually unwanted vegetation. 返回 abounding