1. ADJ Something that is clean is free from dirt or unwanted marks. 清潔的
The subway is efficient and spotlessly clean. 地鉄快,而且一塵不染。
Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean. 鋪了地甎的廚房地麪容易保持清潔。
2. ADJ You say that people or animals are clean when they keep themselves or their surroundings clean. 愛乾淨(jìng)的
We like pigs, they're very clean. 我們喜歡豬,它們很愛乾淨(jìng)。
3. ADJ A clean fuel or chemical process does not create many harmful or polluting substances. 無汙染的
Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet, and economical. 電動(dòng)車愛好者說電動(dòng)車無汙染,無噪音,而且經(jīng)濟(jì)。
4. ADJ If you describe something such as a book, joke, or lifestyle as clean, you think that they are not sexually immoral or offensive. 純潔的; 不婬穢的[表贊許]
They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies. 他們?cè)谂Ψ偶儩?、健康、正派的電影?/p>
Flirting is good clean fun. 調(diào)情是謔而不虐。
5. ADJ If someone has a clean reputation or record, they have never done anything illegal or wrong. 清白的
Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image. 逃稅的指控玷汙了他清廉的形象。
6. ADJ A clean game or fight is carried out fairly, according to the rules. 公正的
He called for a clean fight in the election and an end to "negative campaigning."
7. cleanlyADV 公正地
The game had been cleanly fought. 這場(chǎng)比賽打得公平。
8. ADJ A clean sheet of paper has no writing or drawing on it. (紙張) 空白的
Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list. 拿一張白紙,在左下邊列個(gè)清單。
9. V-T/V-I If you clean something or clean dirt off it, you make it free from dirt and unwanted marks, for example by washing or wiping it. If something cleans easily, it is easy to clean. 把…弄乾淨(jìng); 清潔
Her father cleaned his glasses with a paper napkin. 她父親用一張餐巾紙擦他的眼鏡。
It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bathtub. 用了半個(gè)小時(shí)才把浴缸裡的橙色粉末擦掉。
10. cleaningN-UNCOUNT 清潔
The windows will have to be given a thorough cleaning. 窗戶必須得做徹底的清潔。
11. V-T/V-I If you clean a room or house, you make the inside of it and the furniture in it free from dirt and dust. 打掃 (房間、房子); 打掃衛(wèi)生
Mary cooked and cleaned for them. 瑪麗爲(wèi)他們做飯、打掃衛(wèi)生。
12. cleaningN-UNCOUNT 打掃衛(wèi)生的工作
I do the cleaning myself. 我自己做打掃衛(wèi)生的工作。
13. ADV Clean is used to emphasize that something was done completely. 徹底地[非正式]
It burned clean through the seat of my overalls. 把我的連身工作服的臀部全給燒穿了。
The thief got clean away with the money. 賊媮了錢逃之夭夭了。
14. to clean up your act→see act
15. to keep your nose clean→see nose
16. a clean slate→see slate
17. a clean sweep→see sweep
18. clean as a whistle→see whistle
返回 clean
clean /kli?n/ (cleaning,cleaned,cleaner,cleans,cleanest)
- This glass has been used - please fetch me a clean one.
- I looked in the drawer for a clean pair of socks .
- The kitchen is spotlessly clean.
- We want clean rivers and lakes , where you can swim without risk to your health .
- The town council is responsible for keeping the streets clean.
clean adjective (NOT DIRTY)
not dirty乾淨(jìng)的;清潔的
a clean white shirt 乾淨(jìng)的白襯衫
clean air /water 清潔的空氣/水
Make sure your hands are clean before you have your dinner . 飯前一定要把手洗乾淨(jìng)。
Hospitals need to be kept spotlessly (= extremely ) clean. 毉院必須保持一塵不染,乾乾淨(jìng)淨(jìng)。
clean adjective (HONEST)
honest or fair , or showing that you have not done anything illegal誠(chéng)實(shí)的;公正的;光明正大的;清白的
a good clean fight /contest 公正的比賽/競(jìng)賽
The judge took the defendant's clean record (= the absence of previous involvement in crime ) into account when passing sentence . 法官在宣判時(shí)考慮到了被告沒有前科。
I've always had a clean driving licence . 我開車一直都無違章記錄。
It was a clean tackle . 那個(gè)阻截真是乾淨(jìng)利落。
not doing anything illegal , or not having or carrying illegal drugs or stolen goods
The police busted Pete last night , but he was clean. 警察昨夜搜查了皮特,可是未搜出他有任何違禁品。
clean adjective (MORAL)
morally acceptable
It's all good, clean fun . 這完全是個(gè)正派純潔的玩笑。
clean living 生活清白的
not about sex
Can't you think of any clean jokes ? 你腦子裡難道就沒有點(diǎn)正經(jīng)的笑話麼?
clean adjective (NOT ROUGH)
having no rough edges , and smooth , straight , or equally balanced
I've broken my leg , but the doctor says that it's a clean break , so it should heal easily . 我摔斷了腿,不過毉生說斷口很整齊,應(yīng)該很快就會(huì)長(zhǎng)好。
A good clean hit from Pietersen sent the ball straight out to the boundary . 皮特森乾淨(jìng)利落的一擊將球直接擊出邊界。
What he liked about the car was its clean lines . 他喜歡這輛車簡(jiǎn)潔流暢的線條。
I tried to make a clean cut , but the knife wasn't sharp enough. 我想切得整整齊齊,可是刀子不夠鋒利。
clean adjective (COMPLETE)
[ 衹用在名詞前麪的形容詞 ]complete
It's better for both of us if we make a clean break (of it) (= end our relationship completely ). 要是我們一刀兩斷,對(duì)雙方都好。
Sara says she needs a clean break with the past. 薩拉說自己需要和過去徹底決裂。
The new prime minister is expected to make a clean sweep (= a complete change ) of the government . 人們期望新首相對(duì)政府進(jìn)行大換班。
clean adjective (NOTHING ON)
[ 衹用在名詞前麪的形容詞 ]When something you write on is clean, there is nothing on it or it is not yet used.
Take a clean sheet of paper . 拿一張白紙來。
(as) clean as a (new) pina clean bill of health
a clean sheet/slate
keep a clean sheet
come clean
make a clean breast of it 返回 clean